This year marks the 15th anniversary of customer protection when shopping, browsing, working, watching, reading, gaming, basically anything you can do online. First implemented in 2006 it stands as a monument to privacy and protection when going on the net.

Although a lot has changed in the last few years and we’re more likely to “Google” something than “Search” for it, now, more than ever it is beyond invaluable that we pledge to protect the habits of our patrons when they visit our website.

That is why, on Data Protection Day, 28th January, we are pleased to showcase our protection measures so that you, as consumers, know you can depend on us when you spend time online.

Personal data is processed every second. At work, with the doctor, buying groceries or booking a cab. Even when you’re just surfing the internet for a good meatball recipe, you’re probably seeing little protection signs around, or little sneaky permission slips tucked in the corner of your screen. As the internet grows and changes, individuals are generally becoming aware of what to look out for when related to the protection of their personal data and of their online rights.


Protecting Online Consumers for 15 Years 

This all started on 26th April 2006, when the Council of Europe decided to launch a Data Protection Day to be celebrated each year on the 28th of January, the date on which the Council of Europe’s data protection convention, known as “Convention 108”, was confirmed. Data Protection Day is now celebrated around the world as more countries contribute and is widely known as Privacy Day outside of Europe.

On this date, governments, parliaments, national data protection bodies and advocates carry out seminars, webinars and general public campaigns to raise awareness about the rights to personal data protection and privacy. This includes educational projects for teachers and students so that the next generation can understand internet privacy, open doors at data protection agencies that help raise awareness in the general public and conferences to also raise awareness of current privacy issues.

As part of our ongoing effort to protect our players and readers, we are happy to support secure encryption on our site by implementing HTTPS Secure Technology. By ensuring a valid certificate in connection with our website, we protect visitors to our site and keep out any suspicious or unwarranted activity on the rough streets of the internet.

We are also proud to support GDPR rules and regulations that help keep your right to privacy secure. By working with GDPR and understanding Cookie Policy, we help protect your data and choose to constantly stay updated and vigilant about the latest governmental improvements to the management of online data and user privacy.

For more information on how we keep our customers safe, please check out our privacy policy, as well as our policy on cookie implementation. For further information on data protection and how to stay safe online, check out as they host this year’s annual Data Privacy Week.



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