With less than a month to go and £58 million on the line, a mystery ticket bought in northwest England continues to remain “unclaimed.”

The lucky punter from South Ayrshire hit the Euromillions jackpot in March. They will pocket £57,879,670 if they come forward before midnight on 13th September, leaving them just four weeks to make their claim.

The winner in question seemed a cut and dried matter back in April 2020, with Camelot announcing the winner of the £58M prize had come forward

However, in May officials confirmed that the ticket was still left “unclaimed.” With no explanation as to the earlier announcement that the jackpot had already been scooped.

It seems officials are now scrambling to find the real winner before the timer runs out.

Andy Carter, of the National Lottery, told The Sun: “We’re desperate to find this mystery holder and unite them with this massive prize.

“We’re urging everyone who might have bought a ticket in this area to check.”

If the jackpot is not claimed in a month, the money will be donated to charity

The day after the original April appeal went out a joiner near Rochdale discovered he had also scooped £58m. Further adding to the confusion for the public as to whether this jackpot was well and truly off to the bank.




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